Frame Inc.
The all-in-one collaborative OS, combining all productivity teams with breakthrough technology to help you stay more productive as a team.
East Sussex, UK
Company size
11 — 50 employees
Services provided
Website Design
Email Newsletter Designs
Social Impact Lab is an exploratory project with the aim of increasing financial literacy among prison leavers and reducing the number of individuals being recalled back to custody.
It helps probation staff to build awareness and education around financial probation services among prison leavers as they are beginning their probation period.
The project is based upon 11 weeks of research and working closely with prison leavers and advisory staff, we have designed these interventions in the service to help facilitate improvement.
Social Impact Lab was created in partnership with Ministry of Justice, UK and Catch22, a not-for-profit social business that designs and delivers public services to people on probation in the UK, with a focus on building resilience within communities.
Over an 11-week period, we worked closely with prison leavers and Catch22’s staff. We conducted our own research to uncover new insights that can support Catch22 in improving its service.
Most recalls are preventable, which represents an important goal for all parties involved as it can significantly impact a Person on Probation's future prospects and mental health, deteriorates resettlement outcomes for probation services and is costly to the Ministry of Justice.
MoJ then decided to provide rehabilitation and reintegration services to people on probation through its partners, one of which is Catch22.
Catch22 provides different services like justice, education, employability, reform etc. We worked with one of its services named FBD - Finance, Benefit and Debt service to people on probation.
As a team, we felt it was necessary to start this project by addressing how our shared values would shape the considerations we took in designing the various interviews we had. Particularly with People on Probation, many of whom may have experienced discrimination and trauma, we made sure to prioritise their well-being by acknowledging their presence and showing gratitude for their time and contribution to our project, which ultimately allowed us to define a solid framework for discussion by creating an environment that our interviewees felt comfortable in.
We gave special emphasis in understanding the backgrounds and cultures that most prisoners come from, noticing patterns of:
Being felt misunderstood while growing up
Coming from dysfunctional families
Influence of luxury products and brands as a status symbol
Experiencing poverty
Self expression through creative arts
Desire to prove
Exposure to violence since a young age
Racism and social exclusion/discrimination
Belonging to immigrant parents or being immigrants themselves
Comfort in chaos
Mob mentality and allegiance to their social circles
We made sure to avoid semblance in our process and interactions with people on probation which might trigger them of these instances and took great steps to make them feel safe and secure.
We also spoke with Financial and Wellbeing Advisors to understand the system from their perspective, and to identify any pain points that they may experience in their role. After organising and combining all of our findings, we categorised everything we had learned from each stakeholder’s perspective to identify all primary motivations and challenges.
Our three primary stakeholders are
People on Probation - POP
Financial and Wellbeing Advisors - FWAs
Probation Practitioners - PP
However, we realised that the relation and conduct between these three stakeholders is highly systemic and rooted in legal bindings, which is not possible for us to change.
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Steosits - The Financial experience that works with FIs, Employers, and Fintechs